Implications of the energy transition for the European storage
- 06/07/2021
Brussels 6 July: FETSA representing European bulk liquid storage, and UPEI the
voice of Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers publish a landmark study on the
Implications of the energy transition for the European storage, fuel supply and
distribution infrastructure. The study was carried out by the leading energy and
economics consultancy Trinomics.
Ravi Bhatiani, FETSA Executive Director, said “The study shows that current tank terminal infrastructure will be critical to the energy transition as well as the strategic autonomy and resilience of the EU.” He added “Specific investments will be needed to store many of the liquids of the future and our sector is already modernising terminals, adapting infrastructure, exploring new trade routes and updating handling and safety procedures to prepare.”
Cecile Nourigat, Secretary General of UPEI, said “a key finding of the study is that most of the existing fuel distribution infrastructure can be repurposed to
accommodate renewable and low carbon fuels, efficiently and cost-effectively
bringing these solutions to final consumers.”
The study offers an in-depth assessment of the effect of substituting conventional fuels on concrete supply chains, through 11 case-studies, considering spatial configuration, safety, equipment, and costs.
The study concluded that for most major supply chains, existing infrastructure would be compatible with the future lower carbon and renewable liquids that will be used to drive the economy in a climate neutral Europe. Although investments will be needed to adapt equipment, these are in line with normal expectations for upgrading equipment. For certain supply chains, related to clean hydrogen for example, there are likely to be greater investments needed to adapt to new supply routes and product characteristics. Ultimately, the expertise and know-how in handling energy products, as liquids or liquefied gasses, uniquely qualifies existing logistics businesses to continue and thrive into the low carbon and renewable future.
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