Sandra de Bont is owner and executive director of the VOTOB Academy. A company founded in 2017 under the VOTOB (trade association of Dutch Tank storage companies). The VOTOB Academy (VA) will be privitalized in 2020 with the aim to expand the knowledge of the VOTOB Academy both nationally and internationally. Characteristic of the VA is that she knows how to convert the knowledge of a company or sector into digital knowledge bases. in this way the knowledge is secured and shared with employees.
Sandra is Master of Science in environmental engineering. After graduating, she worked as a management consultant for one of the big five consultancy firms. After her work for the consultants, Sandra moved to trade associations, where she became the director of the VOTOB. In 2020 she has taken the step to entrepreneurship through the VOTOB Academy.
Common thread in the career of Sandra is synergy; she makes connections between companies, but also between companies and other organizations, such as the government. Her starting point is that collaboration ultimately results in better outcomes for all parties.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts.